Classic Bus subscription (single payment)

Classic Bus subscription (single payment)

Get the magazine delivered to your door every two months.

Adding this item to your shopping cart will allow you to pay for a single subscription for one or two years. If you would like to set up an automatically recurring payment (by card or direct debit/bank transfer), please go back and select the recurring payment subscription option.

Using the boxes below, please tell us how long you'd like the subscription to run for, the region where magazines are to be delivered, and whether this is a new subscription or a renewal of an existing subscription.

If you would like us to start the subscription from a specific issue, please enter the issue number in the box below. For existing subscribers, your subscription will simply continue from the next issue due, unless specified otherwise.

If the subscription is a gift and you would like us to send a gift card to the recipient, or to you to hand over in person, this can be requested during the checkout process.

From £27.10
From £27.10


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